Featured Hotels
The following hotels in Southend-on-Sea are recommended, as they have received great evaluations from former visitors, in particular in the category value for money.
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The Rochford Hotel
Found within the charming Essex town of Rochford, this three-star hotel offers visitors the service of a high-end hotel in the setting of a cosy bed and breakfast. The Rochford Hotel has an on-site gym, brasserie and offers a free continental breakfast to guests. With easy access to both the London Southend Airport and railway station, this hotel is perfect for simple London weekend getaways.

Westcliff Hotel
This Victorian-era hotel sits atop a cliff, which means its individually-designed boutique rooms offer striking views over the Thames Estuary. Despite dating back to 1891, the three-star hotel has been fitted out with all the necessary mod-cons, as well as having a brasserie and outdoor patio area. For music lovers, the Cliff Pavilion music venue is just a five-minute walk away.