
Hotel Rates in Dublin for Europa League Final

May 16, 2024

Hotel rates in the Irish capital of Dublin are spiking as expected for the final of the UEFA Europa League, according to a survey by

Currently about 25% of hotels in Dublin still have available rooms for May 22 – the day that German club Bayer Leverkusen will face Italian side Atalanta at the city’s Aviva Stadium (also known as Dublin Arena). On average, hotels have raised their prices by about 75% compared with regular rates during a typical month of May.

A handful of hotels have increased their rates by significantly more. For example, a two-star hotel located in the heart of Dublin is charging €339 euros for a room – an increase of 176% compared with regular rates. Elsewhere, a three-star hotel close to Connolly Train Station close to the city centre is charging €602 euros for a room – an almost tripling of its regular prices.

For the cheapest available double room (in hotels with three stars or more and with city centre locations), visitors will currently have to spend around €260 euros per night. That’s about 90% more than a typical Wednesday in May. Slightly more affordable rooms are available around Dublin Airport and close to the stadium, with rates starting from €220 euros in these areas.

However, it’s also the case that hotel prices in the city have dropped significantly since English giants Liverpool were eliminated from the competition by finalists Atlanta last month. Before their exit, some hotels were hiking rates by over 400%, and you wouldn’t have been able to find a room below €500 euros.

As a cheaper alternative to hotels, Airbnbs are likely to offer better value. You can still find a private room in a centrally located Dublin Airbnb from €150 euros, and you can rent an entire one-bedroom flat from €260 euros – about 50% more expensive than normal.

For those happy to share a room in a hostel, there are beds available from around €65 euros per night. That's over 200% more expensive compared to what you would normally pay, but is the cheapest available option for overnight stays in Dublin on May 22.

Please note: The figures in this survey are based on data taken on 15 May.

Press Contact
Paul Joseph,, Phone: 00447977499670